Wild pigs Hunting
adaptive scenery

Wild pigs Hunting

Wild pigs are a genus of even-toed mammals. These animals inhabit all continents, except for Arctic regions, Antarctica, remote mountain areas, some deserts and islands. Their shared features are large bodies, wedge shaped heads, bristle hair along the spine and sharp tusks.


Countries (32)

“Wildlife and wild places no longer exist by accident or without the intervention of those that truly and deeply care.”
Shane Mahoney


The wild pigs have been considered game animals since olden times. Besides delicious meat, the trophy tusks are an object of interest. Wild boar hunting is a thrilling and exciting experience, though also a quite dangerous one. A wounded male attacks immediately and is capable of creating mayhem. The wild pig hunting can be organized in many different ways, depending on the trophy desired and its habitat. It is possible to hunt by spot and stalk, from a hide, or from a high chair. The driven wild boar hunt is very popular in many countries, too.



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