Hunting in Turkey

Hunting in Turkey

Explore the country that builds on old and rich history, and at the same time is a member of modern world. Turkey combines natural beauties with its 10,000-year-old heritage thus giving a unique opportunity to learn and enjoy the life and culture in so-called Asia Minor. From the Mediterranean Taurus Mountains to the Mercan Mountains of Eastern Anatolia and the Kackar Mountains of the Black Sea region, this area is inhabiting by many game species such as the Anatolian Ibex, which is indigenous to Turkey, the Anatolian Chamois, the Anatolian (Konya) Sheep, the east Anatolian (Armenian) Sheep, the Mid Asian Brown Bear and the Anatolian Wild Boar, the Anatolian Red Deer, the Roe Deer, the Wolf and the Lynx.



August 1 - March 31: Chamois, Bezoar Ibex hunting
September – October: Red deer and Roe deer hunting
September 15 - December 1: Chamois, Bezoar Ibex hunting
All year round: Wild boar



For Mediterranean Coast, south of Turkey, hunters need to fly to Antalya as last destination while they need to fly to Ankara for Black Sea Region of Turkey and Central Anatolia.
As there are direct and daily flights of Turkish Airlines to Istanbul, Ankara and Antalya from major European cities, travelling is very easy and short. After going through the necessary custom formalities, we take hunters to the hunting area. From closest airport, areas take 1 to 4 hours’ drive depending on the location. The Recommended trip duration is 7-day itinerary with five hunting days.


Bezoar Ibex hunt is a classic mountain spot-and-stalk hunt. Fly tent camps are rarely used. The hunt takes place at around 6,500-8,200 feet (2000-2500 meters) above sea level. The average shooting distance is 250-350 meters/yards.

Some areas have very suitable structure for wild boar stalking, that are promising an exceptional hunting. Although the average trophy is around 7-8,5 inches (18-22 cm), it is not uncommon to get very big tusks like 9,8 inches (25 cm) and bigger.
The other method of wild boar hunting is driven. As all areas are free range, hunting success and daily bags is essentially dependant on the shooting skills of the hunter especially, during the driven hunt.

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Accommodation differs depending on the hunting area. While in some areas it is possible for our hunters to be accommodated in the best nearby hotels or village houses (Konya sheep, Hybrid Ibex), in others, you need to stay in tented camps or small hunting cabins (Bezoar Ibex, Anatolian Chamois).

accommodation-turkey-hunting Beautiful,Hotel,Style,Bedroom,With,A,Large,King,Size,Bed hunting-lodge-turkey Outdoor,Seating,On,Cushions,In,Little,Cafe,In,Mostar,,Bosnia


Bezoar Ibex widely spread along the Taurus range that extends from western Mediterranean all the way through east, as well as in eastern Anatolia.
Hybrid Ibex occupies several different localities of only one district of Turkey and share the same habitat with Bezoar ibex in some areas. Nevertheless, they also live in completely isolated populations.
Anatolian Chamois inhabits the northeast part of the country and some small pockets of mountains in the eastern provinces.
Bozdag Mountains are the only place where Konya sheep can be hunted.
Red Deer you can find in Mediterranean Region, Black Sea Region, central region.
The West, Middle and East Black Sea regions as well as the eastern Mediterranean region are the habitat of Anatolian Roe Deer.


Bezoar Ibex
Hybrid Bezoar Ibex
Anatolian Chamois
Eurasian Wild Boar
Persian Goitered Gazelle


Turkey represents a cultural mixture, a synthesis of east and west, while it geographically bridges Europe and Asia. The country can offer unforgettable touristic opportunities as well as highly professional hunting experiences.
Our company will help you combine any hunting trip in Turkey with yacht tourism or beach holidays in a luxury hotel or with visits to the unique historical sights of the country.


“A deer that has been shot will go around the side of a hill a quarter of a mile away and lie down. A ram will leave the country.”
Jack O’Connor

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it true that all trophy hunting licenses are sold at the auctions? Can foreign hunters participate in the auction?

    The Turkish Ministry of Nature transforms the process of license acquisition into the auctions. Basically, now all licenses for most trophy animals in Turkey, including Chamois, Ibex, Konya sheep and Hybrid Ibex, are sold at the auction. The Wild boar is an exception. Only the accredited Turkish outfitters can take part in the auctions. After that they sell the licenses to everyone interested, including foreign hunters.

  • Is it possible to collect all Turkish mountain trophies in one trip?

    It is a very difficult task. The mountain trophies of Turkey include Bezoar Ibex, Anatolian Chamois, Konya Sheep, Hybrid Ibex and Red stag. All of them inhabit different parts of the country and the nest hunting periods differ. We recommend splitting in several combo trips.

  • What is the most popular combo hunt in Turkey?

    The most popular trophy is Bezoar Ibex. This hunt can be combined with hunting for Chamois in the same period: November-December. However, you will have to change the hunting area. There is another option: you can combine hunting for Bezoar Ibex and Konya Sheep; these animals inhabit neighboring hunting areas.

  • Which airport would be the most convenient to arrive at for Anatolian Chamois hunting?

    It will depend on the hunting region, for which the license is issued. You will need to arrive in Trabzon or Erzinсan. We will confirm the route prior to your trip.

  • Is the Wild boar hunt in Turkey always conducted in full moon only?

    The full moon is a recommended period, but not obligatory. It is recommended to come in full moon to get a guaranteed result and an interesting hunt. During the full moon you can also hunt by spot and stalk, rather than spend hours sitting motionlessly on a high seat. The Wild boar comes out to the open spots to feed under the moonlight, and you can stalk a large male.

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