Bears Hunting
adaptive scenery

Bears Hunting

Bears are carnivorous mammals, the largest of the fissipedes today. They are heavily built, with long and dense fur, large skulls and powerful paws with long claws. Bears are omnivorous, they are good climbers and swimmers and can run as fast as 30 mph (50 km/h). They have an excellent sense of smell, though their vision and hearing is not that good. Bears inhabit the Northern hemisphere, mainly the territory of North America and Eurasia. These animals got adapted to many different climatic zones and landscapes — from steppes to the highlands and from the forests to the icy Arctics. A bear is an important character of Eurasian and North American folklore — it has been considered a forefather, the master of forests and lower worlds.


Countries (5)

“Bear hunting? Come on up and we’ll fix you up, you betcha. Just be sure you bring some hunting buddies with you, preferably fat ones who can’t run as fast as you.”
S. Palin


Bear hunting is a very emotional, interesting and prestigious experience. Both in the old days and today it measures the courage of the hunter. A bear is a smart and dangerous game, very powerful and hardy. It is a great trophy. There are many ways to bag a bear. Spot and stalk is the most common method. In spring we hunt bears at the sunny spots as they emerge from the dens, in fall we use feeding areas to find the trophy males. Baiting is also possible — bears do not mind the carrion. The Eurasian Bear is often hunted from a high seat in the fields, where it feeds on the oats. Some species are hunted at the den, and also dogs can be used for hunting. The choice of the hunting method depends on the country’s regulations and the species desired.



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