Tragelaphus strepsiceros strepsiceros
Distribution: Southern Angola, Zambia, southeastern Congo (K), Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa except for southeastern Cape Province.
Description A large, elegant antelope with long legs, a hump on its shoulders, and magnificent corkscrew-shaped horns. Its color is gray to reddish-brown, with white stripes, and there is a white facial chevron. A brown mane continues as a white dorsal crest, and there is a fringe of long brown and white hairs from chin to brisket. The horns (males only) are long and keeled, growing upward in 2-3 open spirals. This subspecies is the largest and darkest (grayest) in color and has the longest horns. There are 9-12 vertical stripes on each side.
CITES: Not listed.