Ovis gmelini musimon
Distribution: The Mediterranean islands of Corsica and Sardinia, and throughout central and southern Europe in wild areas, parks and private properties. Outside Europe, European mouflons have been introduced, both on private properties and in the wild, in the conterminous United States and in Argentina. Also on the islands of Lanai and Hawaii in the North Pacific Ocean, and the Kerguelen Islands in the Indian Ocean.
Description: Shoulder height 26-30 inches (65-75 cm). Weight 70-100 pounds (32-45 kg). One of the world’s smallest sheep. Resembles a slim domestic sheep with a normal coat of hair. Upper parts are reddish-brown with a very pale saddle patch in the winter coat. Underparts, rump, lower legs and muzzle are white. There is a dark neck ruff but no bib. The horns usually grow in a tight circle, with the tips turned inward towards the face and broomed back to about a three-quarter curl.
CITES: Not listed.