Stalker is closing the Dagestan Tur hunting season 2024 with this beautiful trophy of 85 cm (33.4") and our heartfelt congratulations go to our hunter Mr. Miguel.
Hunting in November is not easy physically as you experience low temperatures, the amount of snow is now allowing you to use horses, icy winds are crazy strong, you cannot use fly camping as hunting demands.However you see plenty of animals as it is exactly the rutting time, and they are moving all the time everywhere.
Stalker Team is very proud with Mr. Miguel results: well deserved trophy for an experienced hardworking hunter! Well done Mr. Miguel, time to prepare for the next hunting season and the new destinations together.
Dear hunters, those who are still undecided whether to get Dagestan Tur or not, don't delay or hesitate and contact us! Our team of experts takes care of you and your hunt at a high quality professional level. Just make one call, the rest we do at Stalker!