Tragelaphus buxtoni
Distribution: Endemic to Ethiopia, it occurs in the Chercher, Din Din, Arussi and Bale mountains, which lie south of the Danakil and east of the Rift Valley. A few can also be found west of the Rift Valley in the vicinity of Ambo, notably on Gibat Mountain.
Description: A large antelope. The coat is rather shaggy. Coloration is sandy gray with several pale vertical stripes on the sides, a white chevron on the face, two white spots on the cheeks, white patches on the throat and base of neck, and several white spots on the hindquarters. The short brown neck mane continues as a brown and white dorsal crest. The horns (males only) are long and heavy with two keels, and form 1-1/2 to 2 open spirals. They grow outward and upward, then pinch inward to form a "bell".
CITES: Not listed.